Page 505 - 2018年工作报告书
P. 505
21.3.1 Delivering it by hand; or
21.3.2 Sending it by registered post or ordinary post; or
21.3.3 Sending it by facsimile transmission, electronic mail or similar means of
21.4 Subject to the provisions of Article 21.5 herein, any notice sent by post by the
Association which is not returned as undelivered shall be deemed to have been given
on the third (3) day after the envelope containing it was posted and any notice sent
by facsimile transmission, electronic mail or similar means of communication by the
Association shall be deemed to have been duly given on the date of transmission.
21.5 Any notice to be given to the Association shall be addressed to the registered
address of the Association and if intended to be sent by post, it shall be by way of
registered post and if transmitted by facsimile transmission shall also be confirmed
by registered post. The notice is deemed to be duly served on the Association upon
actual delivery of the registered post to the registered address of the Association.
21.6 Any notices to be delivery by hand to the Association shall only be deemed effective
if its receipt is duly acknowledged by the Administration Office of the Association.
22.1 The Association may when necessary solicit donations from the public.
22.2 The financial year of the Association shall start on first of January and end on thirty-
first of December.
22.3 The financial year end accounts, invoices, receipts and so on that are compiled by
the Treasurer shall be submitted for audit by external qualified auditor. After audited
by the Central Committee, they shall be tabled in the General Meeting for discussion
and pass.
22.4 All bank accounts of the Association shall only be valid upon signing by one (1)
member each from Group A and Group B.
22.4.1 Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Vice Chairmen of Group A; and
22.4.2 Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer of Group B.
22.5 The Secretary-General shall be the approver of all payments.