Page 497 - 2018年工作报告书
P. 497



            12.1  The Central Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the CEC”) shall comprise
                  the following members:

                  12.1.1  One (1) Chairman;
                  12.1.2  One (1) Deputy Chairman;
                  12.1.3  Five (5) Vice Chairmen;
                  12.1.4  One (1) Secretary-General;
                  12.1.5  One (1) Assistant Secretary-General;
                  12.1.6  One (1) Treasurer;
                  12.1.7  One (1) Assistant Treasurer; and/or
                  12.1.8  Accordance to the Article 12.2 herein, not more than four (4) Central Executive
                         Committee Members who shall be appointed by the Chairman.

            12.2  The Chairman may nominate not more than four (4) members from twenty-five (25)
                  Central Committee Members (not including seven (7) Nominated Central Committee
                  Members) to be the Nominated Central Executive Committee Members and whose
                  nomination shall be sanctioned by the Central Committee.

            12.3  The Central Executive Committee shall comprise eleven (11) but not more than fifteen
                  (15) Central Executive Committee Members.

            12.4  During the adjournment of the Central Committee, the Central Executive Committee
                  shall be responsible for the running of the affairs of the Association and to execute all
                  the resolutions of the Central Committee.

            SECTION 13: TERM OF OFFICE

            13.1  The  term  of  office  for  Central  Committee  States,  Non-Central  Committee  States,
                  Central Committee Members and Central Executive Members shall be three (3)
                  years. During the tenure of office, they are eligible to leave the position earlier, be re-
                  elected and to hold the position, save and except the Chairman whose terms shall
                  not exceed three (3) terms consecutively.

            13.2  The tenure of office for the Central Committee States, Non-Central Committee States,
                  Central Committee Members and Central Executive Committee Members shall take
                  effect from the date of appointment.


            14.1  In the following events, the Central Committee Member or Central Executive
                  Committee Member will lose his qualification to continue holding the position thereof:
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